We are excited to announce that RM Unify now has the ability to sync Education Class Teams based on your MIS teaching, registration, and year groups for all Premium subscription customers. This will be in addition to the O365 groups and Google Classroom sync that we offer today.

How it will work

You will be able to either manually or automatically sync an O365 Education Class that can then be linked to an Education Class Team. Once configured, any changes to membership of classes made in the MIS will be reflected in Microsoft Teams during the next sync which would automatically take place each night. If you have already set up Education Class Teams, these are not kept in sync and membership needs to be updated manually. See the screenshot below to configure automatic group sync to O365 and G Suite which now includes the middle column for provisioning O365 Education Classes that can be linked to Teams:

RM Unify Teams for Online Learning

Click on the link in the image above to be taken straight to this page as an RM Unify Super Admin.

To find out more about how you can set this up, please install the RM Training Academy app from the App Library in RM Unify and you can access the video tutorial here.

How it will help

We recognise the recent challenges that schools in the UK have faced with closures that have led to the acceleration of online learning, and Microsoft Teams has played a huge part in facilitating this. We see the importance of Microsoft Teams continuing in Education long after lockdown and we are proud to offer a service through RM Unify that can help with the management of this platform.

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