17 June 2020
RM chosen by IEA to deliver global online TIMSS assessment

The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) has chosen RM Assessment Master to deliver on-screen testing as part of their high profile Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023. TIMSS 2023 will be conducted in c.70 countries worldwide, with main data collection commencing in the autumn of 2022.
TIMSS assesses student achievement in mathematics and science at fourth and eighth grades. IEA have been measuring trends in achievement since 1995, and TIMSS data have enabled countries around the world to make evidence-based decisions to improve educational policies.
As part of the project, RM will be working with IEA and the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College (USA) to develop innovative new assessment items to capture rich data about the breadth and depth of these subjects as they are taught in the participating countries. RM Assessment Master will also be used to collect detailed information about the curriculum, curriculum implementation and the context of schooling.
John Baskerville, Managing Director of Assessment at RM said:
“We are tremendously proud that the IEA have selected Assessment Master to deliver the TIMSS studies online. We are excited to be working with both IEA and Boston College on these high profile studies.”
Juliane Hencke, Director at IEA Hamburg commented:
"We are delighted to be partnering with RM across our TIMSS and PIRLS studies, which allows our TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center Boston College to deliver highly interactive and sophisticated item content to students in multiple languages and countries.”
Ina Mullis and Michael Martin, Executive Directors of the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College commented:
"We are looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship with RM as we work to adapt the Assessment Master to the exacting demands of the TIMSS international assessments of mathematics and science.”
This project will complement the work already underway to transition the 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) to onscreen assessment, which will also use RM Assessment Master.