You can’t manage what you can’t see. For schools that require assistance in understanding their IT setup and staff technology capabilities, our discover services give you the visibility you need to make informed decisions about your future digital strategies and investments.
Digital Skills Review
A snapshot of the current knowledge and technology skills of your staff. The Digital Skills Review from RM delivers you a written snapshot of the current knowledge and skills within your organisation around digital technology. Our survey is designed and delivered by educational consultants with current expertise in driving digital transformation across schools and trusts. Resulting in increasing staff confidence in technology and maximising your IT investments.

Cyber Security Review
Protecting your personal data, as well as your students is a key priority for RM. Cyber threats are a major concern for any trust or school, with an increasing number of UK schools being a target for cyber-crime. This valuable assessment provides insight and definitive feedback on the security posture of a school highlighting cyber vulnerabilities. Delivering a detailed report that illustrates just how secure your school is, including staff knowledge, your devices, and your data recovery plans. This is the first important step to improving the cyber security in our schools.
Technical Review
This assessment provides invaluable insight into your current IT landscape including servers, LAN, devices etc. Many schools’ and trusts’ mission-critical operations still rely on onsite infrastructure that does not offer the necessary reliability and resilience. The report looks at all aspects of your school’s IT and clearly signposts areas that need attention, such as software updates or configuration. Many recommendations can save costs such as moving your applications to the cloud.

Note: All NX-Gen Discovery services include a visualised report for you to keep and personal walk-through of the results over a remote call including gap analysis and recommended remedial actions.
NX-Generation IT Services
Our new portfolio of support services moves beyond simply "break fix". We work as an extension to your own local team. Focusing on improving your IT infrastructure and increasing the staff confidence in technology. While ensuring that your classrooms are cyber safe.
Explore the benefits
Each of our services modules below links the others to create a seamless flow improving the return that you get from your technology investments. Click on each icon to explore further.
NX-Gen Discover
Auditing and
Cyber Evaluation
Technical Review
Skill Review
NX-Gen Deliver
Design Systems
Systems Implementation
NX-Gen Manage
Service Desk
Onsite Support
NX-Gen Enable
Skills Transfer
Technical Training
Educational Training