We have been busy since our last blog update working on some essential maintenance for the platform. RM Unify v3.66 has now been released. The changes developed with this release include the exciting introduction of our new RM Pathfinder Programme.

RM Pathfinder Programme
Pathfinder banner

The RM Pathfinder Programme is seeking engagement from teachers, non-teaching staff and senior leaders in schools to help RM develop new solutions that improve outcomes for pupils. More specifically, we are looking for feedback on questionnaires regarding pupil welfare, talent management and safeguarding. We also have various opportunities to volunteer for pilot projects to try and test some new products/features from our variety of software offerings.

We will be including a new link on the RM Unify dashboard that will link directly to the blog that has further information on the Pathfinder Programme. This will be visible for all Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff roles:

Pathfinder link

We will also be following this up with a Notification alert in RM Unify to all Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff informing them of the change.

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