We know that it’s been a while since our last release but we have been working hard in the background to deliver our users a better experience as we now enter a new chapter; Version 4. The completely redesigned product brings a fresh look and feel to RM Unify, improving our product accessibility and bringing the experience in line with our other RM products.
Want a sneak peek?
Here you go:

So, what’s included?
You will notice that the feel of RM Unify will be very familiar, most of the layout and features will remain the same in this first release. But we have made a number of usability and accessibility improvements that we hope will make the product simpler to use.
When will it be released?
Version 4 will be released in the next fortnight, so keep an eye out when you next log in! If you have any other suggestions or improvements for the platform please feel free to submit your ideas here.