We have now released V4.22 to live, which contains a new feature that allows admins to override email addresses for users in bulk as well as improvements to the experience when users change their own passwords.

Bulk email overrides

This new feature will allow admins to process a change of email address for their users in a more efficient manner than ever before, by exporting a set of users and reuploading a CSV containing the new desired email addresses. This will have the onward effect of updating the users email addresses in some apps including Outlook and Gmail. RM Unify customers who provision users from either their MIS or via CSV will have access to this feature by default. Any AD sync customers are able to opt into this feature if they wish to discard email addresses from their AD. There are many reasons why this feature could be useful to a school.

You can find out more from this TEC article.

Self-password reset

Two improvements have been made to the self-serve password reset for RM Unify users. Firstly, users will be made aware if their new desired password does not meet the strength requirement for their password policy. Secondly, users will be informed if their confirm new password does not match with the line above. These two simple improvements will help users when updating their passwords.

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