The next release of RM Unify will be available to all RM Unify Premium customers starting 19th April 2018.

There are 2 main features to this release:

  1. New Administrator Rights:

    1. This was described in an earlier Blog Post

    2. A TEC article can be found here

  2. Change Display Name

We are responding directly to customer requests to allow teachers to change their display names. Until this point display names have been determined by the provisioning source and have not been able to be modified. In some cases for example, a teacher may be provisioned with the display name taken from the MIS. This will be their first name followed by their second name (for example Michael Mouse).

We recognise that in some schools, and for some teachers, this may not be an acceptable format. The new RM Unify release allows users to change their display name to a preferred style, for example Mr M Mouse. When a user changes their display name, the change is rolled out across all federated apps (G Suite is one exception to this rule due to provisioning rules set by Google).

To find out more about these new features, take a look at our recent webinar What’s New In RM Unify? V3.38

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