The benefits ICT offers stretch much further and wider than the classroom. Effective school ICT can improve office staff efficiency, and further afield, it can also positively impact society and bring communities closer together. Here we explore six ways schools can benefit those outside the premises supported by ICT.

  1. Supporting learning in the home
    Research has shown that the most important aspect of parental support in education is in supporting learners in the home. This could be helping with homework, ensuring the home environment is conducive to study, encouraging conversations about learning and showing an interest in the school day. Three out of five parents said that taking part in a course while their child was at school improved their confidence to help out with homework.
  2. Improved communication with parents and guardians
    The Class DoJo classroom community app now has more than 35 million users, which shows that parents really want to be involved with their children’s education. Cloud-based learning and apps provide effective way for schools to liaise with parents – and it can save them money in the medium to long term too. Also take a look at Parent Hub - a great parent communication platform that provides a text messaging service, making it easy for schools to reach their entire parent community.
  3. International partnerships
    Partnerships with schools abroad can expose teachers, parents and students to different learning and teaching contexts, help them to examine their perceptions and values, and challenge stereotypes. This can provide a basis for broadening curriculum and subject areas to incorporate wider global input and perspectives. The DFID and British Council’s new programme Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning for example, increases awareness of global issues and different cultures by reaching out to three million pupils and training 60,000 teachers and school leaders in the UK and developing countries.
  4. Education for all
    As a result of the last government’s cuts to the adult skills budget in 2013/14, half a million fewer adults took part in government-funded adult learning compared with the year before. A new culture of adult education and a new generation of night schools could transform our labour force, economy and community, so British firms don’t have to look elsewhere for skilled workers.
  5. The alumni community
    The charity Future First helps schools to set up and run effective alumni networks with the aim of boosting aspirations and supporting students. It has been seen that hearing from alumni can transform students’ motivation to succeed. Its research shows that 82% of students attending a Future First-led alumni session say they are inspired to work harder in school. Only one in eight children from a low-income background is likely to become a high earner as an adult. Meeting former students helps to change this, boosting young people’s confidence and motivation, and helping to transform their life chances.

Why not talk to our team about assisting your school with technologies to support these points? We will take the hard work out of all aspects of improving your ICT for both school and community projects.

Find out how your ICT is doing by carrying out a free online ICT Health Check today.

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